Student Management
Student Management
(Please refer to our Student Handbook for detailed school rules)
The school’s positive and proactive approach to discipline is in line with MOE’s Discipline Framework.
The Student Management Committee aims to inculcate the basic values of respect, self-discipline, social responsibility and moral integrity. We want to develop in our students (termed as Serangoon StaRs) a sense of self-control and responsibility that lays the foundation for their success in school. This is achieved by creating a supporting and nurturing environment and by communicating clear expectations of student behaviour. We also expect students to take ownership of their behaviour by ensuring exemplary conduct at all times. We discipline because we care.
The committee focuses on both aspects of discipline – preventive and corrective.
Preventive discipline is achieved through communication of clear expectations and rules of behaviour in school. Students are expected to be aware of these expectations and rules and conduct themselves accordingly, whether in or out of school, until the student graduates from school.
Corrective discipline is achieved through intervention procedures to promote acceptable behaviours, and to change unacceptable behaviours to acceptable behaviours. Consequences for misconduct are clearly spelt out and followed to deter further offences. Students who misbehave are also referred for counselling.
Counselling complements the disciplinary actions taken. Counselling sessions offer opportunities for students to reflect on their own behaviour and take personal responsibility for correcting them. Students will be guided by the counsellors to focus on their actual goals for being in school and plan steps to achieve them.
School Rules & Expectations
The following are general standards of good behaviour expected of all students that apply in any setting and mode of interaction, including the digital realm.
1. Exemplary Conduct
Students must be on their best behaviour in and out of school. This includes greeting school staff and visitors, being polite, considerate, responsible and respectful of self and others.
2. Respect for All
Students must respect authority. They have the responsibility to cooperate with all school staff and student leaders. Students must also respect their peers and co-create a conducive environment for learning. They can do so by not ridiculing or teasing others, to avoid disturbing their learning. They must also behave in an appropriate and reasonable manner in and out of the school. Students must also respect school property and the environment. Expectations for respect apply to all activities, including those carried out in the digital realm.
3. Appropriate Attitudes towards Learning
With academic success as their end in mind, every student must be present for lessons and actively participate in related activities. Punctuality for lessons and activities is also non-negotiable. Every student should be attentive during lessons, and complete and submit quality assignments and homework as expected. Students should be good team members when working in groups.
It is every student’s responsibility to be familiar with all school rules and expectations and observe them accordingly. Ignorance is neither a reason nor an excuse for inappropriate behaviour. Failure to observe rules and expectations will result in the student facing disciplinary measures including detention, corrective work order, suspension, caning or any other measures deemed appropriate by the school.
General Conduct
All StaRs are to…
attend school regularly and all school programmes as required
wear the school uniform and PE attire smartly
be punctual for school and all school activities. Latecomers will face disciplinary measures such as detention, corrective work order and/or suspension. Their conduct grade may also be affected
be in school by 7.40am and take their seated at the designated assembly area from 7.30am
attend the daily flag-raising and pledge-taking ceremony. All StaRs, who are Singapore Citizens, must sing the National Anthem and take the Pledge with their right fist over the heart. All StaRs, who are non-Singaporeans, will stand at attention throughout the ceremony. All StaRs must sing the School Song.
leave the school premises by 6.30pm (unless supervised by a teacher)
Attire and Appearance
wear the prescribed school uniform. Any modification to the school uniform is not allowed
wear the school uniform and PE attire smartly within and outside the school premises, during and after school hours and even during the holidays when attending school programmes
wear the school uniform (full-uniform or half-uniform) on days as prescribed
wear shoes which are completely black, with black socks that are visible above the ankle
From left to right:
PE attire
Full uniform for female students
Half-uniform for male students
Full uniform for male students
Half-uniform for female students
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All StaRs must …
- not sport outlandish hairstyles, streaking, tinting, dyeing or colouring of hair
- not wear any form of make-up
- not wear any jewelry or fashion accessories
- not wear nose studs / tongue studs or any type of body studs
- not have any tattoos (including temporary tattoos) or body piercing
- not wear any form of coloured contact lens
- not wear any class T-shirt for school events, unless special permission is given
All female students must…
- tie up their hair neatly once it touches the second collar line.
- keep their fringe away from their eyebrows.
- wear only plain black or blue ribbons, hair bands and/or hairclips
- wear knee-length skirts
- wear only a pair of simple ear-studs and no other form of body piercings
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Pin up to keep the fringe away from the eyebrows | Hair beyond collar length must be tied up |
All male students must…
- keep their hair short and neat, not touching the ears and eyebrows
- be clean-shaven with no visible facial hair (beards and moustaches are not allowed)
- keep their sideburns short
- have a hairstyle that shows evidence of a slope at the back of the head
- wear long pants (no socks to be seen), and a prescribed but optional blue/black belt with a simple buckle (pants should not be tapered and should cover the ankle completely)
- not sport semi-shaven / undercut / uneven / skinhead hairstyles
- not wear ear-studs/ear-sticks / any form of body piercings
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Fringe is above the eyebrows | Sideburns are kept short with slope at the back |
For further details on the expectations of students’ overall attire and appearance, please refer to the Student’s Handbook.
Use of Electronic Devices
Other than Personal Learning Devices purchased under the National Digital Literacy Programme, all students are strongly discouraged from bringing other electronic devices (e.g. handphones, tablets, laptops etc.) to school as they can be a cause of distraction to student learning and the learning of others, unless teachers require them for teaching and learning purposes.
Students who wish to contact their parents / guardian may use the telephone located outside the General Office.
Any electronic devices brought into school are the sole responsibility of the student and must remain switched off in the classroom at all times.
Students should not leave their electronic devices unattended at any time.
Handphones can only be used before 0730 and after school curriculum hours (not inclusive of time during any school activities) for the following purposes:
– Communication with parents
– Learning and educational purposes (e.g. searching for information on the internet, documenting a learning journey, research etc.)
If any student is caught using a phone (or similar electronic device) during lessons or not used responsibly by any student in the school compound, the device will be confiscated without exception and claimable only after 4.00 pm on the day itself.
Handphones must also be surrendered to school staff when students are undergoing the process of investigation to any school related incident.
Charging of mobile phones / personal learning devices (PLDs) using school facilities is not allowed without permission.
Prohibited Items
The following items are not allowed in the school. If such items are found, they will be confiscated.
- Gambling items e.g. poker cards / chips / dices etc.
- Lighters / matchsticks / blowtorch
- Pyrotechnics
- Bluetooth Speakers / Audible Devices
- E-Scooters / Skate-scooters / Skateboards / Roller Blades
- Musical Instruments (Guitar, Hand-Held Drums) unless permission is given by teachers
- All items that the school deems to be potentially dangerous, offensive, including penknives.
- All other items prohibited for possession by students under Singapore law (e.g. E-cigarettes, cigarettes, pirated or unlicensed materials (in any format e.g. print, digital or accessed through cloud storage), pornographic materials)
Possession of Weapons
All students are not allowed to have any weapon in their possession. They are also not allowed to bring any weapon-like item which is used, or intended to be used, to cause harm to others.
**For further details on the school rules and regulations, please refer to the Student’s Handbook. **
Conduct Grade
Grade | Descriptors |
Excellent |
Very Good |
Good |
Fair |
Poor |